Riflessioni pediatria


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Finora ha creato 88 post nel blog.

La depressione post-partum: il punto di vista del pediatra

Di |2024-04-08T15:26:55+02:00Aprile 8th, 2024|

ABSTRACT The perinatal period represents a delicate phase for both mother and baby, characterized by profound transformations. Although not all mothers experience mental health issues, there is a wide spectrum of mental disorders that can arise during this sensitive phase. Recognizing and managing these issues through multidisciplinary support ensures the well-being of the mother-baby dyad [...]

Medicina d’urgenza: cosa fare in caso di melena e rettorragia nel bambino

Di |2024-04-08T15:27:03+02:00Aprile 8th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Various conditions can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) in children. The estimated prevalence of GIB in children is 6.4%, with spontaneous resolution in approximately 80% of cases. However, the initial approach plays a crucial role in determining prognosis. Priority is given to stabilizing hemodynamic status, followed by a systematic diagnostic approach. GIB can originate [...]

Vaccini e consenso informato: l’equilibrio tra diritto fondamentale dell’individuo e interesse della collettività

Di |2024-04-08T15:27:10+02:00Aprile 8th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Throughout the history of our Country, the balance between vaccinations and informed consent has been the subject of legal debates and judicial rulings due to the delicate and peculiar balance between the two aspects of the right to health, individual and collective. The SARSCoV2 pandemic has brought this issue to the forefront, once again, [...]

Il ruolo della Croce Rossa Italiana in Comunità

Di |2023-12-11T13:04:09+02:00Dicembre 11th, 2023|

Oggi abbiamo il piacere di parlare con Adriano De Nardis, che ha scelto di mettere la sua professionalità da anni al servizio della Croce Rossa Italiana e di cui oggi è consigliere Nazionale. Prima di tutto, potresti spiegarci cos’è la Croce Rossa e poi dirci perché hai scelto di diventare parte di questa associazione? La [...]

Linee di indirizzo sulla diagnosi e la cura della febbre nel bambino

Di |2023-12-13T15:44:05+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

Abstract Fever is one of the most common reasons for seeking urgent medical attention, both in Paediatric Emergency Departments and Primary Care Clinics. The spectrum of differential diagnoses is very broad and the diagnostic approach is relatively easy, in the vast majority of previously healthy infants older than 3 months and children. In contrast to [...]

Emicrania e allergia: correlazioni e possibili prospettive terapeutiche

Di |2023-12-11T13:05:53+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

Abstract Migraine and allergic disorders represent two of the most common diseases worldwide. Although there is an epidemiological correlation, it is difficult to clarify common pathophysiological mechanisms. The article tries to examine the data present in the literature, summarizing possible common pathophysiological pathways and evaluating the role of the histaminergic system. Finally, we will focus [...]

Curare le malattie dei bambini con l’alimentazione

Di |2023-12-11T13:06:42+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

Abstract The right nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining healthy children and adolescents. It is also crucial for their growth and neurodevelopment. On the opposite, a poor diet can cause diseases but, at the same time, when corrected can cure diseases. The concept of “food as medicine” is a reality.   Abstract L’alimentazione nel [...]

Piano Nazionale Prevenzione Vaccinale PNPV 2023-2025

Di |2023-12-11T13:07:47+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

Abstract The success of vaccinations has created problems in their acceptance because the decrease in the frequency of specific preventable diseases has led to a reduced perception of their severity by the population. The National Vaccination Prevention Plan aims for the citizen’s free and conscious adherence to a fundamental preventive act, which represents a sign [...]

La radiografia del torace nel bambino

Di |2023-12-11T13:08:36+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

La radiografia (RX) del torace per i radiologi rappresenta l’equivalente del fonendoscopio per i pediatri. È infatti un esame di primo livello che utilizza una dose di radiazioni ionizzanti molto limitata, per produrre immagini digitali bidimensionali dei polmoni, del mediastino e del cuore. La RX del torace rappresenta oggi l’indagine radiologica più frequentemente eseguita. Essa [...]

Stato di male epilettico in età pediatrica

Di |2023-12-11T13:09:25+02:00Novembre 30th, 2023|

Abstract An epileptic seizure is a neurological disorder characterized by an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain, which can manifest with a series of transient symptoms. It can be caused by various underlying conditions, including brain injuries, metabolic dysfunctions, genetic aetiology, immune aetiology, and infections. In particular, status epilepticus (SE) represents a common neurological emergency [...]

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