Riflessioni pediatria


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Finora ha creato 88 post nel blog.

Il neonato febbrile: diagnosi, gestione ed approccio clinico aggiornato

Di |2025-01-08T13:10:42+02:00Dicembre 18th, 2024|

Abstract Neonatal fever, defined as a rectal temperature > 38°C, is a non-specific clinical sign that requires careful diagnostic and therapeutic attention. Neonates are extremely susceptible to potentially invasive and serious bacterial infections, which are often difficult to distinguish from less serious conditions. This vulnerability often leads clinicians to adopt an active and timely diagnostic [...]

Approccio nutrizionale all’esofagite eosinofila

Di |2025-01-08T13:11:58+02:00Dicembre 20th, 2024|

Abstract Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the esophagus. Dietary management is an effective therapeutic approach in children. The three available dietary regimens are: empiric elimination diet, elemental diet and allergy testing-based diet. The empiric diet is further divided into: Single Food Elimination Diet (1FED), Four Food Elimination Diet (4FED) and [...]

La diagnostica molecolare in allergologia

Di |2025-01-10T12:40:20+02:00Dicembre 31st, 2024|

Abstract The identification of molecular allergens responsible for allergic reactions has significantly transformed the diagnostic and therapeutic approach in allergology. Molecular allergology represents a precision medicine approach for the diagnosis, stratification, therapeutic management, follow-up, and prognostic evaluation of patients affected by a broad spectrum of allergic diseases. Exclusively available for in vitro diagnosis, molecular allergology [...]

Le richieste di prescrizioni inappropriate nella Refezione Scolastica

Di |2025-01-08T13:14:09+02:00Dicembre 20th, 2024|

Abstract Over the years, there has been a growing demand from families for certificates related to their children’s dietary needs in school cafeterias. While many of these requests are justified (e.g., due to medical conditions), a significantly larger number are not, especially in light of existing regulations. Pediatricians should avoid complying with such inappropriate requests [...]

Percorsi assistenziali in pediatria: il paziente con malattia infiammatoria cronica intestinale

Di |2025-01-08T13:15:05+02:00Dicembre 20th, 2024|

INTRODUZIONE Le malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali (MICI) sono patologie multifattoriali ad andamento cronico-recidivante che colpiscono l’apparato digerente e che si manifestano in soggetti geneticamente predisposti in seguito all’esposizione a fattori ambientali che fungono da trigger e da innesco di una risposta autoimmune aberrante. Esse si distinguono in Malattia di Crohn (MC), Rettocolite ulcerosa (RCU) e [...]

Lettura della curva spirometrica in Pediatria

Di |2025-01-08T13:15:51+02:00Dicembre 20th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Spirometry is a non-invasive test that assesses respiratory function by measuring lung volumes and flow rates in cooperative patients. It is useful for diagnosing and monitoring of chronic respiratory diseases and for assessing treatment responses. By evaluating the morphology of flow-volume curves, spirometry can also provide crucial information, to guide clinicians towards specific diagnoses [...]

Trauma Cranico in Pediatria

Di |2025-01-10T12:40:11+02:00Dicembre 31st, 2024|

INTRODUZIONE Il trauma cranico rappresenta una delle principali cause di morbilità e mortalità in età infantile nei Paesi industrializzati (1) oltre che una delle motivazioni più frequenti di accesso al pronto soccorso (PS) in età pediatrica. La gestione di queste lesioni è di fondamentale importanza, poiché può influire significativamente sullo sviluppo neurocognitivo e sulla qualità [...]

Responsabilità Medica: un’analisi per i professionisti della salute

Di |2025-01-08T13:17:20+02:00Dicembre 20th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Medical liability is a critical issue for healthcare professionals, as it defines the required standard of care in medical practice and outlines the potential consequences in cases of malpractice. The complexity of the legal framework governing medical liability has led to the development of a body of laws and case law that warrants careful [...]

Salute e ambiente. L’unione fa la forza

Di |2024-10-10T10:17:55+02:00Ottobre 8th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Climate change and environmental pollution, which are strongly interconnected, threaten the health of current and future generations and require urgent and concrete action. On the back of this emergency, AMBO was born: an Alliance for an Environment Tailored to Children and Adolescents, which brings together 36 of the most prestigious scientific societies and associations [...]

La febbre mediterranea familiare e il ruolo dell’ibuprofene

Di |2024-10-10T10:21:07+02:00Ottobre 8th, 2024|

ABSTRACT Familial Mediterranean fever is the oldest and most frequent autoinflammatory disease. It is also the first inflammatory condition for which a causative gene was identified. Colchicine represents the medication of choice for the management of FMF and is generally effective and well tolerated. However, a sizeable proportion of patients do not respond to this [...]

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